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Industry Partners

Thanks to the generosity of our Industry Partners, ASI can support a number of programs that are important to the sheep industry.

Thank You to our Industry Partners

Guard Dog Fund

Consider a contribution to lend the extra hand to protect the sheep industry on all fronts. This is the only way ASI can assist with or lead litigation. Annual dues from state associations are spent 100% on lobbying in Washington, D.C., so there is no balance left for litigation or legal analysis of federal decisions.

Guard Dog members are nationally recognized as the individuals and businesses that go the extra mile for the sheep industry.

Contribute to the Guard Dog Fund

Thank You to our Guard Dog Members


ASI’s political action committee (RAMPAC) provides political support for those U.S. Senators and Representatives who support the sheep industry. Every two years, each Representative and one-third of the Senators run for election, and we need more support for those that share our values and beliefs. The continued support of members of Congress on both sides of the aisle that understand the issues our industry faces has never been more important.

Our industry’s ability to support the incumbents and candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate, that care about our industry remains critical. ASI has helped numerous members of Congress get elected or re-elected with your support of the RAMPAC. These members remember the industries that were there to help when they needed the support.

If you share our passion for the industry and want to help us utilize this important tool, please take the time to fill out the attached form and return with your donation using the self-addressed envelope. Your contribution of $25 or more can make a tangible difference in our efforts. If you are charging the donation, please give the billing address in the payment information.

Thank you for the consideration and, remember, those that are not sitting at the table are on the menu.

Contribute to RAMPAC

Thank You to our RAMPAC Donors

Sheep Heritage Foundation

Focusing solely on the U.S. sheep industry, the Sheep Heritage Foundation – a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation – is dedicated to enhancing the value of the sheep industry in the United States. It was established to create programs and projects that will assure solid opportunities for the future of the U.S. sheep industry.

Whether your family involvement is purebred, milk, sheepskin, wool for hand knitting, show lambs for youth programs or commercial wool and lamb production, a donation to the Sheep Heritage Foundation will help protect the livelihood of an industry that is near and dear to your heart.

A donation to the Foundation is one of the many ways a family member or friend of the sheep industry can be remembered.

A donation is an indication that you care about the industry’s potential in the years to come and for future generations.

You and/or your family have contributed timeless hours to more than just a business, it’s your true love for the animals and the way of life that drives you. You are proud of your family’s role in producing lamb for America’s table, wool to clothe our families, as well as those serving the nation’s military. A donation will help assure that your hard work over the years is not forgotten; instead, it will help perpetuate the industry. Your gift will help strengthen the industry, build programs that will ensure the industry’s success and enhance and defend the opportunities for U.S. sheep producers. The Foundation’s board of directors are committed to utilizing funds for the best scientific and educational projects of the industry. Additionally, the board is seeking matching funds from corporate, private and public entities to further stretch industry contributions.

Consider a donation to uphold your family’s important heritage and preserve opportunities for today’s producers and for the generations that will raise sheep tomorrow.

Send donations or requests for more information to:

American Sheep Industry Association
9785 Maroon Circle, Suite 360
Englewood, CO 80112

Special Thanks to our 2025 Industry Partners

Anodyne, Inc. Chargeurs Wool (USA) Inc. Groenewold Fur & Wool Co. Wolverine Packing Co. Catelli Brothers, Inc. American Hampshire Sheep Association Roswell Wool Sock Company Katahdin Hair Sheep International United Suffolk Sheep Association North American Babydoll Southdown Sheep Association & Registry Colorado Serum Company Marcho farm Wool Partners Inc. Keese International Colorado Lamb Processors EDP Renewables North America Silicon Ranch Center of the Nation Wool, Inc. Berry & Sons Islamic Slaughter House, Inc. Holland & Hart LLP Texmo Trading Co. US Suffolk Association Woolsacks Utah Wool Marketing Association

Wool Partners Inc.

Keese International

Center of the Nation Wool, Inc.

Texmo Trading Co.