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Join ASI

ASI works on behalf of its members to improve the sheep industry. We are grassroots driven. Powered by Producers … for Producers. From the domestic and international promotion of American wool to our work on legislative, animal health, science and technology, and resource management issues, ASI is a producer-powered federation of state organizations dedicated to the common goal of promoting the profitability and well-being of the U.S. sheep industry.

What ASI Is Doing For You

➤ As the voice of the sheep industry, some of the many issues ASI is working on in Washington D.C. include animal health, international trade, environmental issues, disaster/drought relief, public lands access, H-2A/immigration, and animal ID.

➤ ASI spearheads the effort to continue funding for the critical programs administered by Wildlife Services to protect livestock from wasteful death and injury caused by predators.

➤ Advocating for the continuation of Livestock Mandatory Price Reporting (LMR) to provide market transparency for producers nationwide.

➤ ASI continues to work on protecting the industry against the loss of grazing on public lands due to the perceived threat of disease transfer from domestic to bighorn sheep.

➤ Responding to consumer demand for more information about the source of their food, ASI secured mandatory Country-of-Origin Labeling of lamb at retail.

➤ ASI offers valuable education through programs including the American Wool Assurance (AWA), and the Sheep Safety and Quality Assurance (SSQA), and other resources such as the Sheep Production Handbook, Sheep Care Guide, and the monthly Research Update Podcast.

➤ ASI is increasing the demand for American Wool by sharing the benefits with international buyers, working in partnership with the No. 1 customer of American Wool – the U.S. military – on product development and marketing, and facilitating the reintroduction of the equipment that allows wool products to be machine washed and dried without shrinking.

➤ ASI was forward thinking and led the charge for a new industry wool lab at the Bill Sims Wool and Mohair Research Laboratory in San Angelo, Texas.

➤ To protect the U.S. sheep flock, ASI secured the National Scrapie Eradication Program to help eradicate Scrapie and developed the Secure Sheep and Wool Supply (SSWS) Plan for producers to voluntarily prepare before a Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak.

➤ Individual members and stakeholders voluntary contribute to the Guard Dog Fund to protect the sheep industry from legal and regulatory attacks.

➤ ASI was instrumental in the formation of industry-advocate organizations – the National Sheep Industry Improvement Center, the National Sheep Improvement Program, Sheep Genetics USA, and the American Lamb Board.


Producers that join their state sheep association have an opportunity to become a member of ASI and receive all the benefits of being an ASI member.

Click here for a list of state sheep associations. If you are unable to contact your state association, please contact us.

If your state does not offer an association, consider joining a neighboring state association. Or, you can join ASI through an individual membership.