News in Brief

Four Appointed to American Lamb Board

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced in November the appointment of four board members to serve on the 2017 American Lamb Board. Each appointee will serve a second three-year term.

Jim Percival (Ohio) and Diane Peavey (Idaho) will be representing producers. Dale Thorne (Mich.) will be representing feeders and Greg Ahart (Calif.) will be representing first handlers.

Thorne serves on ALB’s Executive Committee as treasurer, is the chair of the Research Committee and was recently appointed as the U.S. mentor for the new Tri-Lamb Young Leader Program. Percival serves on the board’s Research Committee and Peavey serves on ALB’s Executive Committee as vice chairman. Ahart is the chair of ALB’s Marketing Committee and represents the board on the U.S. Meat Export Federation’s board of directors.

The board is composed of six producers, three feeders, one seedstock producer and three first handlers. The secretary appoints about one-third of all board members each year.

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