Katahdins Develop KATPlus Ewe Program

Katahdins Develop KATPlus Ewe Program

The Katahdin Hair Sheep International board of directors recently approved the Katahdin Commercial Ewe Program (KATPlus Ewes).

The demand for commercial hair ewes is strong. In an effort to capitalize on this growing trend, the KHSI Commercial Committee developed the KATPlus Ewe program.

The program goals are:

• Provide a source of large lots (40 or more) of commercial hair ewes for commercial sheep operations by helping them locate commercial hair ewe lambs of superior quality.

• Add value to commercial operations that want to market commercial hair ewes that are produced with registered Katahdin rams by helping them connect with commercial producers looking for quality hair ewe lambs.

• Add value to KHSI seedstock members by encouraging the purchase of registered rams.

• Help grow KHSI membership and show a commitment to the commercial sheep industry. 

The program will work by identifying sheep flocks – both registered and commercial – that are buying and using KHSI registered rams. Those offspring will then be offered on a special page on the KHSI website as KATPlus Ewes. Producers using KHSI registered rams that are National Sheep Improvement Program Certified will also be identified. Potential commercial producers looking for large groups of commercial hair ewe lambs can then search the webpage. 

If you are interested in selling lots of 40 to 400 commercial hair lambs, and if you are using registered KHSI rams, please contact the KHSI Operations office for more details at 479-444-8441, info@katahdins.org or P.O. Box 778, Fayetteville, AR 72702.

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