Image of sheep

Government & Disaster Relief Programs

Wildlife Services

APHIS’ Wildlife Services leads our Nation’s efforts to manage conflicts between people and wildlife so they can coexist.

USDA Disaster Assistance Programs

USDA offers a variety of programs to help farmers, ranchers, communities, and businesses that have been hard hit by natural disaster events including drought and wildfires.

USDA Protection & Recovery Programs

Wool Marketing Assistance Loans & Loan Deficiency Program

Money is available to wool producers through the Farm Bill in the form of Wool Marketing Assistance Loans (MAL’s) and Loan Deficiency Payments (LDP’s).

Where’s The Risk? A Livestock Risk Management Handbook

An Agricultural and Food Policy Center (AFPC) at Texas A&M University publication to help livestock producers address a variety of risks that may affect their operations. This handbook provides an overview of the risk management tools available to livestock producers.

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