ASI WEEKLY – August 30, 2019
ASI Now Accepting Award Nominations
Once again, it’s time to submit nominations for ASI Awards, which will be presented during the 2020 ASI Annual Convention on Jan. 22-25 in Scottsdale, Ariz.
The deadline for all award nominations is Nov. 15.
There are five awards open for nominations: The McClure Silver Ram Award, the Camptender Award, the Distinguished Producer Award, the Industry Innovation Award and the Shepherd’s Voice Award.
The McClure Silver Ram Award is dedicated to volunteer commitment and service and is presented to a sheep producer who has made substantial contributions to the sheep industry and its organizations in his/her state, region or nation. The award may recognize a lifetime of achievement or may recognize a noteworthy, shorter-term commitment and service to the industry.
The Camptender Award recognizes industry contributions from a professional in a position or field related to sheep production. Nominees should show a strong commitment and a significant contribution to the sheep industry, its organizations and its producers above and beyond what is called for in his/her professional capacity. Nominees should be well respected in their fields by their peers and by sheep producers.
The Distinguished Producer Award was launched in 2014 to recognize the 150th anniversary of the national organization – the oldest livestock association in the country. This award is a way to recognize an individual who has had a significant long-term impact on the industry, including involvement with the National Wool Growers Association or American Sheep Producers Council, the predecessor organizations to ASI.
The Industry Innovation Award recognizes the accomplishments of an individual or organization that improves the American sheep industry in a game-changing way, regardless of whether its impact is felt at the regional or national level.
The Shepherd’s Voice Award for Media recognizes outstanding year-long coverage of the sheep industry by either print or broadcast outlets. The award excludes all publications and affiliates related solely to the sheep industry, allowing for recognition of outlets with general coverage for excellence in covering sheep industry issues.
Nominations must be submitted to ASI by Nov. 15, and past recipients of these awards are not eligible. To receive an application, call 303-771-3500 or email [email protected].
Click Here to download the nomination form.
Spikerman, Iturriria Named to NSIIC Board
The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced on Tuesday the appointment of a producer and an expert in finance and management to serve as members on the National Sheep Industry Improvement Center Board of Directors.
Newly appointed to serve three-year terms are:
- Producer – Marsha Ann Spykerman, Sibley, Iowa
- Expert in Finance and Management – Frankie Iturriria, Bakersfield, Calif.
The American Sheep Industry Association nominated Spykerman and Iturriria for these positions to USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service earlier this year.
The board is composed of seven voting members and two non-voting members. Voting members of the board include four members who are active producers of sheep in the United States, two members who have expertise in finance and management and one member who has expertise in lamb, wool, or lamb product marketing. Non-voting members include the USDA Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs and the Under Secretary for Research, Education and Economics. The USDA Agricultural Marketing Service provides oversight of the center.
Source: USDA/AMS
American Lamb Board Hosts First Lamb Summit
The first American Lamb Summit took place in Fort Collins, Colo., this week as producers, packers and association representatives came together to plot a course for the American sheep industry.
Sponsored by the American Lamb Board and Premier 1, the summit hosted nearly 200 members of the lamb industry in the beginning stages of a quest to look critically at where the industry is headed in the years to come. And more importantly, how the industry might take charge of its own destiny.
Presentations on the first day covered a variety of topics from marketing lamb to millennials and Generation Z to looking at how the sheep industry operates in Australia and the United Kingdom. Hands-on seminars also tackled the use of technology on the farm/ranch, incorporating the use of genetic selection in your flock and using best management practices for added value in sheep operations.
The second day of the summit included seminars on out of season lambing and carcass quality before participants headed to the Colorado State University JBS Global Food Innovation Center to take part in more hands-on challenges surrounding carcass traits, value-based marketing and lamb flavor.
The American Sheep Industry Association (ASI) Young Entrepreneurs also took advantage of the gathering to meet and discuss their goals to build on the program and start planning for the Young Entrepreneur sessions at the 2020 Annual Sheep Industry Convention in Scottsdale, Ariz. With over 15 young sheep producers in the room, they also reviewed options for another summer tour in the coming year.
Look for more on the summit in the October issue of the Sheep Industry News.
Australian Wool Market Report
The Australian wool market has continued its sharp decline again this week. 26,420 bales were offered, this was down from the originally rostered figure of 33,046 bales, after 18 percent was withdrawn prior to sale. Of what was left available to the trade, 34.9 percent failed to reach seller reserve. Due to the rapid downturn, exporters have been finding it very difficult to trade. Buyer confidence has been severely dented by the falling market. This series as buyers accumulated wool, they continually reduced their basis. This resulted in the market being unable to find a solid level and prices were consistently reduced as the week progressed. The continual fall in prices pushed the Micron Price Guides (MPGs) generally down between 100 and 170 cents, 18.5 micron and finer were least affected as buyers looked to secure finer wools.
Source: AWEX
Washington State Open to Public Comments on Wolf Management
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is canceling a series of in-person wolf post-recovery planning open houses and will schedule online, interactive webinars this September and October.
“We’ve seen incredible intensity around wolf issues this summer, on both sides of the issue. For outreach to be meaningful, our meetings have to be productive. Unfortunately, we’ve received some information that indicates to us that the meetings could be disrupted, possibly creating an unsafe meeting environment for the public participating,” said WDFW Director Kelly Susewind. “Based on our initial outreach to stakeholders, we think digital open houses and a robust survey will be our most productive means of gathering feedback on this initial scoping effort.”
The open houses were aimed at helping to inform the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) process that will be used to develop a post-recovery plan. The first step in the SEPA process involves scoping.
“Scoping helps us determine proposed actions, alternatives, and impacts to be considered in the post-recovery wolf plan,” said Julia Smith, WDFW wolf coordinator. “The scoping process is intended to improve decisions, find early resolutions to potential conflicts, and frame the relevant issues. We want this to be a thoughtful and constructive process for all involved.”
In lieu of the public open houses, the Department will hold three live webinars open to all, where participants can receive information, ask questions, and learn how to provide input. The dates for these digital open houses will be announced soon. The Department’s work to develop this plan is a multi-year effort. As wolf management options begin to take shape, there will be further opportunities to engage with agency staff.
The public scoping comment period will remain open until Nov. 1 and the Department is encouraging interested parties to provide input on the scope of the future wolf plan. The Department is accepting comments via online survey and in writing.
“We will schedule additional in-person engagement opportunities later in the process, once we have a draft plan and are requesting comments. We will do our best to ensure that those meetings will be productive and safe.” Susewind added.
Washington’s wolf population has been growing since 2008. WDFW proposes to develop a post-recovery conservation and management plan to guide long-term wolf conservation and management under state authority.