Information on Wool
Wool Fact Sheets– including wool history, wool qualities, processing, and more
Experience The Benefits of Wool
American Wool Brochure– learn about the characteristics of American wool and where it goes
Wool 101 Appreciation Course– video with Roy Kettlewell
Wool Production & Processing– video by The Woolmark Company
Global Wool Production– statistics from the International Textile Organization (IWTO)
Certified Wool Programs
American Wool Assurance Program– a program where wool growers can show their dedication to sheep care
Certified Wool Programs– certification programs for growers and shearers

Preparing & Classing Wool
Preparation Steps for Wool Quality Improvement
Code of Practice for Preparation of Wool Clips booklet
Wool Classer Program– information on becoming a Wool Classer
Wool Classing and Handling Schools can be found on the ASI Calendar
Wool Contamination Information– informational brochure
Poly Contamination Information– informational brochure

Preparing for Shearing – a list of steps to prepare for shearing, printable 8.5″x14″ trifold brochure
Become an ASI Certified Shearer: Certified Shearer Declaration and Checklist
Learning to Shear
- Shearing schools can be found on the ASI Calendar ; shearing schools are not hosted or sanctioned by ASI.
- Sheep Shearing Guide
- Shearing Guide & Videos USB
- Shearing Pattern Poster
- Developing Shearer & Mentor Grant- Applications for the 2025 grant are now OPEN and are due January 1.
Packing & Labeling
Wool Bale Press Record
Carbon copy records can also be purchased at

Wool Testing
Commercial Testing – The Bill Sims Wool and Mohair Research Laboratory in Texas is accepting commercial core samples for testing. Samples may also be sent to the New Zealand Wool Testing Authority (NZWTA).
Individual Fleece Testing – please find a full list of wool testing laboratories in the U.S. below.
- Testing Wool with the OFDA2000– information for individual fleece tests
- Testing Wool with the FibreLux Micronmeter– information for individual fleece tests
Wool Testing Laboratories in the U.S.
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority

Wool Market & Prices
Current Markets & Prices
Pricing Wool– informational brochure
USDA Loan Deficiency Payments (LDPs)– growers are encouraged to utilize LDP payments

Specialty Markets
How To Shear Sheep & Why It’s Important– video by the Livestock Conservancy
Producing Wool for Specialty Markets– ASI webinar
Preparing and Selling for Specialty Markets– ASI webinar

The American Lambskin Advantage
USDA Loan Deficiency Payments (LDPs)– Unshorn lamb pelts are eligible for USDA LDP payments