Image of sheep

Weekly Market Summary ~ Week Ending February 14

Current Week Prior Week Percent Change Prior Year Percent Change
USDA/AMS Livestock Auction Dashboard
Feeder Lamb Prices, Medium and Large 1-2, 40-90 lbs, Wtd Avg, $/cwt.
Ft. Collins, CO NQ NQ NA NQ NA
Billings, MT NQ NQ NA $233.09 NA
Newell, SD $260.33 NQ NA $235.85 10.4%
Sioux Falls, SD NQ NQ NA $264.56 NA
Light Weight Slaughter Lamb Prices, Choice and Prime 1-3, 40-90 lbs, Wtd Avg, $/cwt.
New Holland, PA $300.85 $277.52 8.4% $281.78 6.8%
Columbia, TN NQ NQ NA $315.00 NA
San Angelo, TX $282.50 $277.73 1.7% NQ NA
Slaughter Lamb Prices, Wtd Avg, $/cwt.
Negotiated Purchase, live $168.13 $170.07 -1.1% $184.49 -8.9%
Equity Electronic Auction Prices, $/cwt. 
Feeder Lambs NQ NQ NA NQ NA
Slaughter Lambs $159.00 $153.00 3.9% NQ NA
Net Lamb Carcass Cutout Value, Wtd Avg, $/cwt * $451.74 $461.78 -2.2% $471.47 -4.2%
Boxed Lamb Cuts, Wtd Avg, $/cwt.
Rack, 8-Rib, medium $983.63 $992.00 -0.8% $1,102.56 -10.8%
Rack, roast-ready, frenched $2,153.10 $2,160.73 -0.4% $2,170.06 -0.8%
Shoulder, square-cut $406.53 $405.02 0.4% $400.32 1.6%
Trimmed Loins 4×4 $703.95 $699.21 0.7% $705.66 -0.2%
Trimmed Loins 1×1 $935.04 $922.93 1.3% $927.93 0.8%
Leg, trotter-off $507.10 $509.92 -0.6% $513.86 -1.3%
Leg, boneless tied $712.11 $715.37 -0.5% $745.10 -4.4%
Ground lamb $624.41 $616.45 1.3% $660.20 -5.4%
National Lamb Comprehensive Carcass Value, $/cwt $418.01 $441.53 -5.3% $426.56 -2.0%
Imported Boxed Lamb Cuts, Wtd Avg, $/cwt.
AUS Rack (fresh, frenched, cap-off, 28 oz/up) $1,344.05 $1,325.14 1.4% $1,243.77 8.1%
AUS Shoulder (fresh, square-cut) $345.90 $357.05 -3.1% $292.54 18.2%
AUS Leg (fresh, semi boneless) $483.73 $506.31 -4.5% $374.10 29.3%
AUS Rack (frozen, frenched, cap-off, 28 oz/up) $1,293.57 $1,304.93 -0.9% $1,273.39 1.6%
NZ Rack (frozen, frenched, cap-off, 20 oz/up) $1,208.18 $1,217.33 -0.8% $1,247.32 -3.1%
AUS Shoulder (frozen, square-cut) $259.10 $259.55 -0.2% $207.49 24.9%
AUS Leg (frozen, boneless) $406.24 $419.42 -3.1% $391.92 3.7%
Direct to Consumer/Grass Fed Lamb Report (Monthly)
Federally Inspected (FI) Sheep & Lamb Slaughter, head 38,000 37,000 2.7% 37,078 2.5%
FI Average Live Weight, lbs 126 126 0.0% 125 0.8%
FI Average Dressed Weight, lbs 64 64 0.0% 63 1.6%
FI Lamb & Mutton Production, million lbs 2.4 2.4 0.0% 2.4 0.0%
Current Week Prior Week Percent Change Prior Year Percent Change
Australian Wool, Delivered FOB, US$/lb. CLEAN **
17 micron (Grade >80s) $4.95 $5.04 -1.8% $5.34 -7.3%
18 micron (Grade 80s) $4.55 $4.65 -2.2% $4.75 -4.2%
19 micron (Grade 70-80s) $4.32 $4.42 -2.3% $4.30 0.5%
20 micron (Grade 64-70s) $4.26 $4.33 -1.6% $4.08 4.4%
21 micron (Grade 64s) $4.24 $4.26 -0.5% $4.03 5.2%
22 micron (Grade 62s) $4.24 NQ NA $4.01 5.7%
23 micron (Grade 60-62s) $4.15 NQ NA NQ NA
24 micron (Grade 60s) NQ NQ NA NQ NA
25 micron (Grade 58s) $2.18 $2.15 1.4% $2.28 -4.4%
26 micron (Grade 56-58s) $1.89 $1.85 2.2% $1.71 10.5%
28 micron (Grade 54s) $1.34 $1.38 -2.9% $1.22 9.8%
30 micron (Grade 50s) $1.23 $1.24 -0.8% $1.15 7.0%
32 micron (Grade 46-48s) $1.11 $1.11 0.0% $1.09 1.8%
Merino Clippings $2.23 $2.20 1.4% $2.26 -1.3%
* The Net Cutout Value accounts for an average cost of $77.00 per cwt. paid by firms covered under LMR for processing and packaging.
** A 75-85 percent range of Australia price can be used as an estimated value of clean domestic prices.
NQ = No Quote, NA = Not Applicable

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